About Us

Client Centricity. Skills Development. Innovation .

Established over 18 years ago, Tshelex Mining and Industrial Services is a company that remains true to its founding principles which are client centricity and value adding in all that we do.

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We not only strive to embrace the traditional values of our clientele and strong competent work ethic that'll ensure efficient delivery of services and products, but we furthermore incorporate new thinking and innovation into our work practises in order to sustain the level of customer experience we have delivered over the years.

It comes as no surprise that business is not an easy path, but with tenacity and focus, our entity has managed to not just survive but thrive over the years. It is with this that we are intentional when recruiting staff and securing partnerships.


As with any responsible business in South Africa, our vision is to create job opportunities for both skilled and unskilled people not just within the boarders of our Province, but across South Africa and then Africa.


Through rendering professional services; competitive pricing and skills development, we look to expanding our operations thus gain the ability to create more jobs both directly and indirectly.


  • Client Centricity
  • Skills Development
  • Innovation
  • Efficient Work Ethics
  • Collaboration